Western Brook Pond - Gros Morne

Places to Eat In Gros Morne Newfoundland and Labrador

Last Updated: October 8, 2023By

Welcome to the enchanting region of Gros Morne in Newfoundland, where nature’s majesty meets a vibrant culinary scene. Nestled within this UNESCO World Heritage Site, Gros Morne offers not only breathtaking landscapes but also a treasure trove of culinary delights. In this blog post, we will embark on a gastronomic exploration, uncovering the flavors and experiences that make Gros Morne a truly remarkable destination for food enthusiasts.

Western Brook Pond - Gros Morne

In and Around Rocky Harbour:

  • Fisherman’s Landing Restaurant: A local favorite known for its seafood dishes and scenic views of Bonne Bay.
  • Java Jack’s Restaurant: Offers a variety of dishes, including seafood and burgers, in a cozy setting.
  • The Daily Catch Restaurant: Known for its seafood options, including fresh lobster and fish.
  • The Ocean View Hotel: Offers a restaurant with views of Bonne Bay and a menu featuring local ingredients.

In and Around Cow Head:

In and Around Woody Point:

  • Bonne Bay Inn: A waterfront dining option known for its seafood and steak dishes.

In and Around Trout River:

  • Seaside Restaurant: Known for its seafood options and scenic views.

In and Around Norris Point:

  • The Old Store Café: Offers a taste of traditional Newfoundland cuisine, including Jiggs dinner and seafood.


Gros Morne, Newfoundland, beckons you to embark on a gastronomic journey that intertwines nature’s beauty with culinary excellence. From waterfront eateries to farm-to-table experiences and hidden culinary gems, this region offers a remarkable array of flavors and dining adventures. Immerse yourself in the richness of traditional fare, indulge in fresh seafood, and delight in sweet temptations that reflect the unique character of Gros Morne. Share your favorite dining experiences in the comments below, and savor every moment of your culinary exploration in this captivating destination.

Related Post: Things to Do in Gros Morne

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